Dr. Heather Uncensored: focus on trauma - serious, fun, healing

Season 2. Episode 18. Is it Safe to Fly? Talking with Dr Kevin Stillwagon, pilot and retired chiropractor

May 21, 2022 Heather Herington

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There are so many reasons people are not flying these days: mandatory masks are thankfully mostly a thing of the past...a good thing for many reasons. But if you want to or have to what else do you need to know? I speak to Dr Kevin Stillwagon, a pilot and a health professional who has insights into these concerns. 

Here is his bio: 
Dr. Kevin Stillwagon was raised in a chiropractic family and never received a vaccine of any kind. He always wanted to be a pilot and started flying at the age of 15. He followed in his father’s footsteps and became a chiropractor in 1980, licensed in the states of Florida and Pennsylvania. He self-published a book in 1984 on medical freedom and the dangers of vaccines and has been a medical freedom fighter ever since. He invented and patented a thermographic device in 1985 and taught its use worldwide. He became an airline pilot in 1987. In early 2020, he saw signs that loss of freedom over covid mandates could be worse than the virus and began to speak out at his airline employer, which forced him to retire because he refused to wear a face mask as part of his uniform. He continued to speak out at school board meetings and county commissioner meetings in various central Florida counties. Many of these were videoed, so he posted them on social media, some of which became very popular.

This podcast: Dr Heather Uncensored is based on two nonfiction books: Surviving a Viral Pandemic through the lens of a naturopathic medical doctor and the upcoming Transforming Trauma, a drugless and creative path to healing PTS and ACE (out in September by Hammersmith Books) and also sometimes slips the boundaries into Dr Heather's novels and musicals. Any questions please email Ethel at ethelsadvicecorner@gmail.com. 

Please share these interviews so people can hear the truth of our times and make their own individual choices. 

Upcoming are Sarah Myhill MB, a UK medical doctor turned naturopathic doctor who is an expert in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis, and author Patrick Wood who knows all about how modern technology is being used against us. I heard him speaking on the Crimes Against Humanity tour and he is absolutely not to be missed. (Add a .com to that and you'll see the cities left)

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#truth #apocaloptimist #transformingtrauma #grief #grievingdeeply #medicalfreedom #homeopathy #loveheals #naturopathicmedicine #druglessmedicine #energymedicine #expressiveartsheal #empoweredvoices #knowledgeispower #singtohealthyroids #erasetoxiclegacies #peaceispossible

New book: Transforming Trauma, a drugless and creative path to healing PTS and ACE is published by Hammersmith Books is available globally.

Also Surviving a Viral Pandemic through the lens of a naturopathic medical doctor. On Amazon both paperback and eBook

Flawed, a novel - an eccentric family saga - is on Amazon both paperback and eBook...audiobook coming

Workshops and retreats coming.

website: drheatherington.com
email: drheatherh@icloud.com

Breathe in and out slowly and gently wherever you are.
We will survive this dark time of the world. It starts with you: standing, jumping, singing in the light of the divine.